In the trend, users use a portion of the song “Pope Is a Rockstar" by SALES in their videos. The currently Instagram trend hinges on the second: Rooting for someone you may be distant from, in a very gentle way. Cheering usually comes in two forms: enthusiastically rooting for someone with a very vocal expression, and the second, when you look through someone you knew years ago and are proud they’re doing well and you silently are proud of how far they’ve come. They have since responded and the articles now reflects that.If you’ve been on Instagram this past week, you would have seen the newest reel of cheering for people silently - usually from a distance. i hope they are best friends up there."Ĭorrection (, 5:30 p.m.): An earlier version of this article omitted comment from SALES. she was an amazing artist, and i imagine the same thing. She'll always be by ur side and I wish the best for u," commented, "i just lost my best friend to a school shooting. I know she's watching u and she's proud of how far u've come in life. Tiktok users were quick to post a comment sharing their thoughts. The video has 2.1M likes and has been seen over 11M times. In the video, she shows pictures of the sky with beautiful colors and clouds. She imagines that her friend is painting the sky for her every day. In a viral video using the sound by SALES, user explained how she lost her friend to suicide when she was younger.
Royal sadness go little rockstar lyrics tiktok plus#
Alessandro Biascioli/iStock / Getty Images Plus Woman in Recording Studio Above, a woman is in a recording studio. And go little rockstar is a great lyric - happy to see all the wholesome memes." "As an independent band with no pr and no management, we're totally floored by the attention our songs have received on Tiktok. "We love that folks are enjoying the music we love making," SALES told Newsweek. Some of those include adorable pets, people going through personal challenges, and celebrations.

Last December, the song reached peak popularity as many used it to showcase emotional and inspirational videos. "Pope Is A Rockstar" are the original lyrics but in the viral trend, users know it as "Go Little Rockstar." However, many haven't heard the lyrics to "Pope Is A Rockstar" exactly the way the song's been written. "We're honored to be a home for our immensely diverse community of families, small businesses, and creators who transform into our favorite stars," Tiktok said in their statement. The video sharing app TikTok, where the viral song is featured, revealed in 2021 they reached 1 billion monthly users. The internet is sharing inspirational and emotional videos in a new trend featuring the lyrics of a song that goes "Go Little Rockstar." The song by the duo SALES is featured in videos that have generated 2.5 million views.