Cultivars come in many colors and can be single or double blooms. Flower filament that is violent-red in color. There are 5 sepals, numerous stamens, and 5 carpels.

Flowers have many petals that are concave and have finely scalloped margins. They are fragrant, terminal, and up to 6" in diameter.
Cultural Conditions: Light: Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day) Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours) Soil Texture: High Organic Matter Soil pH: Alkaline (>8.0) Soil Drainage: Good Drainage Moist Available Space To Plant: 3 feet-6 feet.Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Shrub Tree Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Deciduous Habit/Form: Erect.Attributes: Genus: Paeonia Species: suffruticosa Family: Paeoniaceae Life Cycle: Woody Country Or Region Of Origin: China, Tibet Wildlife Value: Flowers attract butterflies.Tags: #showy flowers #small tree #white flowers #pink flowers #yellow flowers #deciduous shrub #nectar plant #rabbit resistant #deer resistant #large flowers #alkaline soils tolerant #fantz #butterfly friendly #partial shade tolerant #hedge #long lived #wildlife friendlyįull Form Jim Robbins CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 White flower (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Pink flower (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Leaf (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Fruit Close-up (Buncombe County,NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Flower bud (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Flower petals (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Flower bud (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Flower and leaves (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Flower James Steakley CC BY-SA 3.0 Flowers Arashiyama CC BY-SA 3.0 Form Dalgial CC BY-SA 3.0 Form David J.Stang CC BY-SA 4.0 Flower KENPEI CC BY-SA 3.0 Form Kor!An (Андрей Корзун) CC BY-SA 3.0 Bud shape (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Pink flower (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Form (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Stem and bud (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Closed flower (Buncombe County, NC) Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 'Shima Nishiki' Flower - April - Wake Co., NC Cathy DeWitt CC BY 4.0 'Shima Nishiki' Form - April - Wake Co., NC Cathy DeWitt CC BY 4.0 Emerging Bud - Late Winter - Buncombe Co., NC Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 Open Dried Fruit - Late winter - Buncombe Co., NC Randy Harter CC BY 4.0 See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties: Stamen filament is violet-red, and there are many concave petals.Gigantic, fragrant flowers on slender, brittle stems.Deciduous shrub with decompound, lobed leaves.Can get canker, leaf blight and stem wilt occasionally. Insects, Diseases,and Other Plant Problems: Ants commonly seen on peonies are harmless. Prune this plant back only to shape do not cut all the way to the ground like other peonies after flowering. It is intolerant of drought and has pest and disease problems.

It requires moist, well-drained and fertile soils. This plant is tolerant of partial shade, alkaline soils, heat, deer, and rabbit browsing. This plant is not very hardy in the southernmost part of its hardiness area (zones 4–7). One specimen plant can produce 75–100 blossoms during the 2-month flowering period.

Stems are brittle and need to be staked or protected from the wind. Too much shade or competition from tree roots inhibits flowering. This plant blooms in mid- to late spring and is gigantic. Tree Peony, despite its name, is an erect and coarsely branched, flowering, deciduous shrub that grows up to 6.5 ft. tall. Phonetic Spelling pay-OHN-ee-uh suf-roo-tee-KO-sa Description