With Nik Collection version 4, I could routinely process 10-15 files as a batch from Lightroom to Color Efex Pro 4 and not have any problems. I’m on a Mac Mini M1 at Monterey 12.5.1, Lightroom and Nik Collection are both at current versions. This is a long reply, but maybe DxO finds it useful – or if someone already has a case opened with them and my comments might be helpful, feel free to send them to their support team. I had been thinking about rolling back to version 4, but probably won’t now since that didn’t help you. I had responded to your original thread about problems with version 5, and have been reading all the others on here reporting variations of the same. I can see from a quick online search that this seems to be a common problem - do you have a fix? Optimised the LR catalogue, emptied LR cache, increased LR cache to 100gb - all no effect. Tried switching on and off the GPU accelerations in LR and NIK - no change in behaviour. I also manually removed anything DXO, NIK and even checked for old Google NIK as well. I completely uninstalled NIK as per your instructions online - using Uninstall program and then the Terminal code as well. I am on MacBook Pro 15" 2018), 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Ram, Radeon Pro 560X 4GB, macOS Monterey 12.5.1. Often when returning from NIK to LR - LR becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit to get it back again. Other time LR to NIK just hangs and freezes - left it for half and hour once and nothing.

Sometimes I get the red screen flash then NIK dies. Yesterday bit took half a day to do just 27 images. I used to be able to select 20+ images, export direct to NIK as TIFF’s (as recommended) and process each image as I wanted then apply all back to LR.

I am a prom wedding photographer and use NIK (ColorEFEX 5 and others) as a part of my workflow from Nikon D850 in Lightroom CC and back. I have used NIK since the early Google days and never has it been so unreliable and constantly crashing.